During your stay, the doctors, nurses and staff will treat you and your family as partners in your own care. One important way that you can be involved is to speak up. Ask questions, voice your concerns and don’t be afraid to raise any issues relating not only to your care and treatment, but also to overall hospital services.

Speak up: Ask questions and voice concerns. It’s your body, and you have a right to know. 

Pay attention: Make sure you’re getting the right treatments and medicines. 

Educate yourself: Learn about the medical tests you get and your treatment plan.

Find an advocate: Pick a trusted family member or friend to be your advocate or support person.

What meds and why: Know what medicines you take and why you take them.

Participate in your care: You are the center of the healthcare team. 


  • Write down any questions you have.
  • Choose a support person to communicate with the doctors and staff.
  • Keep a list of doctors you see and the meds they prescribe.
  • Don’t get overwhelmed. Write it down!